Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Overcoming Fear project: an update by Becky

At the start of the Lent period this year, I began a project with Hope in Zion centred on the idea of overcoming fear.
I had been suffering from anxiety and whilst this was and is a really tough time for me, I have been learning a lot from the experience. I hope that to share not only what I have learnt, but also the wisdom of a number of other people who have been no strangers to fear, will be of real value and support to those currently in the grips of anxiety or stress. I hope that it will also be of value to others though, because it seems all of our minds have a hard time of grasping the truth that fear really is a liar.

So far, we have heard from Barry, Chris, Lizzie and Molly. The wisdom gleaned from these four has been different yet equally valuable.

Barry spoke of how his training in the army taught him to take a rational, prepared and practical approach to tasks that could be fear inducing. He also spoke of how support from others is key in managing stress. He himself keeps low stress levels by keeping things in perspective and appreciating all the good he has around him.

Chris told us of his strongly held belief that we are made for community and thus interdependence enables us to manage anxiety and stress. He also told us how despite the mistakes the Church has made, his own faith and trust in God has been what holds him together so well in tough times.

Lizzie bravely spoke of how fear kept her from being the person she was created to be. Yet through accepting who she really is and being vulnerable with that with friends and family has allowed her to conquer her fears and be victorious over them.

Finally Molly told us how she has overcome much of her depression and anxiety that has troubled her for years through focusing her mind and time on something; for her this has been horse-riding and equine care. This enabled her to gain confidence, form good relationships with people and focus on the positives in her life.

After interviewing these four very different people, it is evident to me that a common feature of those who are successfully conquering fear, is that they took the step to accept the support and friendship of others. Obviously this hasn't been easy; take Lizzie’s fear of rejection of who she really is, yet when this step is taken, it seems fear is conquered. In my own experience I have found that fear thrives when it is safely hidden inside our own minds. Here it is away from the light; hidden away in deceptive darkness. The truth is that fear is a liar, and when our fears are brought out into the open in front of others, fear’s very realistic façade begins to fade away.

We still have plenty of interviewees left, who will be telling us in the coming weeks up until Easter of how they have conquered their own fears. They will be giving us tips and advice on how we can do the same.

I am honoured that these people have been so open and honest with me. It really is true that strength is found where there is vulnerability and integrity. Strength does not mean being free of struggle and there is absolutely no weakness in encountering adversity. It is easy to victimise ourselves in dark times, but as these people have demonstrated there is no victory in victimisation! Instead they have chosen to keep faith, hold on to hope and accept the support of other people.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the interviews and keep conquering fear!

If you have any wisdom you wish to share in regards to overcoming fear, please do get in touch as we’d love to hear from you:


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